Click here for more Information and for DOWNLOAD Instructions of "Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit" in English Language


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The long awaited and highly anticipated English Language Translation HOCH-ZEIT DER MENSCHHEIT, written by Rudolf John Gorsleben in German language.  This classic work about Rune Magic and "folk related" ideas was first published in 1930. Many called it "The Bible of Armanism"!

In fact, its contents are so controversial that some DEMOCRACIES IN EUROPE, including Germany, decided to censor this extraordinary document of folk-related spirituality, which is as much an introduction to GERMANIC RELIGION as it contains exceedingly valuable instructions for the Rune magician.

Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit is A MUST-READ for every serious Rune Magician. Before you start reading the huge section that specifically deals with Runic practice, Gorsleben introduces you to his views of how Rune wisdom, Germanic religion and folk-related customs could survive more than a millennium of the most ruthless, brutal and systematic suppression by the Church. Even if, like the translator (I think that a lot of Gorsleben's theosophical-Blavatskian mythology is crackpot-trash, plain and simple), you do not agree with many of Gorsleben's folk related views, in the more than 700 pages of Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit, you certainly will find there a treasure chest of precious Rune Wisdom that contains extremely powerful information, which you cannot find anywhere else.

I have translated this book 2000 - 2002.  Now you can have this gigantic work of Germanic wisdom (670 pages) on CD in .pdf format (Acrobat Reader), for you to print a copy or read it on your computer screen.