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By Karl Hans
Grand Rune Master
As you
know by now, Runes can be viewed as shape-vibrations. In other words,
specific shapes can trigger their energies.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, feet together, both arms pointing upward in an angle of approximately 30 degrees from horizontal line. Left arm slightly higher than right arm. Both palms point forward, drawing energy. HANDPOSITION: Left arm straight up. Thumb and ring finger to form "FA", leaning forward. Other fingers point upward |
THE RUNE URBODYPOSITION: Bending over, arms and tips of fingers pointing to the ground. HANDPOSITION: Left hand (practice with the right as well) 1. Form a U-shape with your fingers, open end of "U" pointing downward. Hand approx. 8 inches from eyes. 2. Thumb and index finger shape UR downward. Other fingers point in same direction as index finger. |
THE RUNE THORNBODYPOSITION: Standing upright, feet together, left arm angled, hand on hip, palm touches hipbone. HANDPOSITION: The tips of thumb and ring finger of the left hand touch each other. Other fingers pointing upward. |
THE RUNE OS BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, left leg lifted, pointing forward, tips of toes pointing downward, left arm parallel with left leg. Variation: Right leg pointing to the side (instead of forward) right arm parallel to right leg pointing downward. HANDPOSITION: Thumb and index fingers of the lift hand form circle. |
BODYPOSITION: Hands above head, palms touching each other, legs apart.
HANDPOSITION: Thumbs and index fingers form the shape of OTHIL, other
fingers touch. Practice on solar plexus.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, left arm at angle (like THORN), left leg lifted.
HANDPOSITION: Left arm upright, left index finger and thumb touch on the tips, other fingers point downward, parallel to palm.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, both arms point
upward, palms point downward. Hands touch each other.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand: all fingers point upward, thumb in right angle to palm, pointing upward.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, arms crossed in front of chest.
HANDPOSITION: Both hands forming the letter "H", palms parallel, thumbs touching each other.
BODYPOSITION: Right arm in angle upward, left arm downward. Variation:
Right arm upward, left leg to the side. Variation 2: Cross-position,
after speaking "Aepandi nam" bring hands to hips.
HANDPOSITION: Right hand, fingers point upward, thumb to the side, a bit more than with KA. Variation: With both hands above head, index fingers form shape of the Rune NOD.
HANDPOSITION: Hand to fist, index finger pointing upward.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, right leg to the side, arms on side of body. Variation: Standing upright, right arm to the side, point downward. Variation 2: Standing upright, arms upward, palms facing each other, right leg to the side.
HANDPOSITION: Fingers of right hand point upward, thumb stretched outward, in right angle to palm.
BODYPOSITION: In sitting position, body shape IS.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand up, thumb pointing outward, right index finger to touch thumb, thumb and all fingers of right hand pointing upward.
BODYPOSITION: Arms to the side, pointing downward, palms point to the ground. Variation for SIG-TYR: Arms in angle to side, palms pointing toward head, or outward.
HANDPOSITION: Right arm thumb, index finger and middle finger to form the shape of TYR, approx. 8 inches from solar plexus.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, left arm at angle, as in THORN or RIT, left leg at an angle.
HANDPOSITION: Both arms above head, Thumb and index finger of right hand to form circle, other fingers of right hand in same direction as index finger. Index finger of left hand to touch lower knuckle of thumb, thumb of left hand to touch end of hand.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, both arms downward, fingertips pointing to ground. As a variation, point palms upward.
HANDPOSITION: Left arm upright, the upper parts of the fingers to form the shape of LAF.
BODYPOSITION: Arms point to side and downward (as TYR). Variation: Upper arms on body, lower arms to point to the side and downwards.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand to form "YR" with thumb, index and middle fingers.
BODYPOSITION: Left arm pointing upward, right arm downward (as NOD, both other arms). Variation: Left arm to side upward, right leg to side downward.
BODYPOSITION: Body to form shape of GIBOR. Variation: Both arms upward to side, both legs to side: X - shape of body results.
The SYMBOLISM of the 18 Sacred Futhork Runes gives you ACCESS TO THE REALMS OF CREATION. THEREFORE...
If you are a PRACTICING PSYCHIC who uses psychic capabilities to help others, Runic practice will add an invaluable new dimension to your profession.
If you are an ASTROLOGER, READER, or COUNSELOR, Runic practice can bring you beyond the status of a mere bystander. No loner are you limited to just telling your clients what trends are in store for them and, perhaps, how they may adjust. Now you can actively work on your clients' destinies and help straighten out their lives. This added capability ensures repeat business and better reward.
If you are a LECTURER or TEACHER of metaphysics or if you study to become one, knowledge of Runic practice will add to your classes. Especially the teaching of Rune Yoga is very rewarding, since its effects will be felt immediately by the majority of your students.
If you are involved in the HEALTH RELATED PROFESSIONS, Rune Yoga and Runic energy treatment (using the energies of the world crystal) will increase the scope of your methods available.
If you are SEEKING ENLIGHTENMENT, Runes are one of the fastest and safest ways to deep mystical experiences, to insights in the workings of the universe and to experience on Oneness.
If you want to achieve your FULLEST POTENTIAL AS A HUMAN BEING, Runic practice gives you access to the realms of creation. Runic practice is your gateway to your chakras and to your inherent psychic powers.
Chances are, you may find a few more reasons why.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Karl Hans Welz
Grand Rune Master
Rune Masters International
Copyright© 1985-1998 - 2007 by Karl Hans Welz
All rights reserved. This course may not be reproduced
as a whole or in part, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any means,
electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without prior permission
in writing by the author.
Published by Karl Hans WelzP.O. Box 1298, Woodstock,
GA 30188